ENRGI was born from a strong desire to own your destiny, and
the true belief that our ENRGI has the power to transform our life.

Erin was always cognizant that
the corporate world didn’t align with her aspirations. A series of setbacks-a company-wide layoff and subsequent bankruptcy within 8 months-Erin knew it was
time to take a leap of faith.

After a few dark months, Erin took a trip to San Diego. In hopes of finding peace in a place that brought her a lot of joy, she landed
upon a hat that completely shifted her ENRGI for the first time in months. She knew if she could have that experience so could other people around her. ENRGI
was officially born.

Inspired by the ocean that emanates freedom, love, abundance,
and gratitude. Erin founded the clothing brand on a mission to inspire others to shift their ENRGI.

ENRGI is a fusion between her First name Erin and Last initial G, rearranged to spell the one thing people either love or hate about her, her energy.

Create the shift you want in your life, and watch the shift that
happens around you.

Erin's Pick

The ocean blue hat. The brand came together while she was laying on the beach in San Diego. This hat is a physical manifestation of her dream turned reality.

Shop Erin's Favorite Hat!